

If there is one thing I've learned the past few months, it's that the combination of arts and kids is really something magical. The dedication on their faces, their seriousness and persistence of creating something special, their pondering visible in their eyes and their unconditional faith in themselves and their art and most of all their smiles and happiness that art brings them.

It is so wonderful to see how kids tend to get almost adult-like concentration when they work on their art piece. I love to see how they just do whatever they feel like and no matter what the end result looks like in our eyes, they are so proud of what they have just created. The quote that says: "The creative adult is the child that survived" is therefore very true. There is much we can learn from children not being aware just yet of all of their surroundings and perhaps also their very own existence as such, because it is exactly their attitude that creates the most happiness when working on art. Perhaps it is only a happiness that you can experience as a child, but it is as least one to strive for when creating art as an adult. 

I included some photos from yesterday's wonderful Art Community Festival called Under One Moon, carried out by Yarra City Arts here in Melbourne. It was a great day, and without all the dedicated volunteers and community it would not have been such a success!

The lanterns and lantern-making workshops were made possible by Bec's Treehouse, a great organisation set up by Becky, who makes it possible for children all over Melbourne to enjoy art workshops!

Enjoy the photos!

WHO: The community of Richmond
WHAT: Under One Moon Festival 2014
WHERE: Richmond, Melbourne

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